In the world of AR/MR comes the next big thing – Scanta App

Have you ever heard of a mixed reality app?  A mobile application which can bridge the virtual and physical world. All you need is your smart phone and the gap between both the non-real and real world will fade away.

What are you thinking? You must be needing some high-end software or hardware to experience the same? Check out what these folks at Scanta are doing. It doesn’t require any additional hardware setting as those VR/MR devices such as Occulus or Microsoft Hololens ask for.

Scanta is a platform from which users can interact with one another basis of mixed reality. Users  can play immersive mixed reality games, challenge each other for battles and can also share MR content with each other. Though, a lot of information has not been provided about Scanta app, yet the application has started to grab public attention in full galore.

One of the most prominent features of this application is needlessness of QR codes. This app is designed to map virtual assets in the present physical atmosphere and provideusers with an extraordinary/ out of the world gaming experience.

On the question of when Scanta is being available for common users, it was said that the organization will be launching its application internationally with the brand new operating system of Apple. Yes, you guessed it right. Scanta will be launching on the iOS 11 and soon, it will be available for downloads on the extensive iOS platform.

At the moment when speculation about iPhone 8 is high and people are expected it to be equipped with the AR/MR feature, Scanta app makers are also being hopeful about projection of their application. In their own words, “Scanta will endow iPhone 8 users with Scantastic experience.”

Definitely, these words  rate how much energy, skill and time Scanta has invested in development of its application. While talking more about the features and engineering of the application, makers revealed that scanta application has been developed and designed by leading tech developers. These experts had been working for than a year now and have filed patents for the same too.

Scanta went for its pre-testing in Indian market in December when winter had draped most part of the country under its feather. It was used with a test-projector for Coca-Cola. The application received a thunderous applaud and created new records with the response received by national as well as international press. Media houses such as Yahoo, Business Standard, Sanfranscisostar and more extensively talked about the pre-testing performance of the application and lauded it in bold letters.

Another achieving stone for Scanta was receiving a support from the the most elite finance societies of India, “PhD chamber of Commerce”.

With its feet firm footed with the finest technology and great support, Scanta has put its eyes on the bigger hemisphere. The company is much optimistic to make a grand foray into the international arena and compete with the best in the world of AR/MR.

Nevertheless, the application is yet to make its entry but the appreciative words have started doing their rounds. There are no lack of people who are believing that Scanta is the “Magic leap of Asia.”

Just to clear the confusion, Magic Leap is world’s most secretive start up. It is based out of USA and has started its journey with $1 bn funding.